
Have you ever been cheated by the seller of Cheap Nike Shoes in Putian, China?

I am my own real case. In 1314, a third-party company in Jingdong bought a pair of Durant six generations for a Nike official flagship store. After the order is placed, the shoes are from the Fujian Putian. I was a bit skeptical at the time, but I like this shoe. I didn't see it as fake after receiving the goods,Wholesale Cheap Jordans but after wearing it for a month, the sole began to foam. It didn't take long for the bottom of the wash to leak, but the top was intact. Degumming on the back side, I took 502 and stuck it. But not wearing it for a long time, the entire sole is about to take off. 599 did not wear a year and was thus abolished. I have orders and pictures, and I have not bought any shoes online since then.
There is demand for supply, to say that the Putian shoes business has been pitted, I believe that such an example should be a minority, if you just met, you can only say that you are unlucky. In today's more mature market, competition is getting bigger and bigger, so it is inevitable that some people want to take shortcuts and use extreme sales methods.

Now with the efficiency of network information, and the Putian shoe industry chain has been exposed by the news media more than once, there are not many people who know Putian shoes, and quite a few people have passed or want to try Putian shoes. Putian shoes have now developed into a more mature gray industrial chain, which is a replica of mold opening,Cheap Nike Air Max raw material procurement, production and sales. Such an industrial chain is built on the scale of today through long-term accumulation and management. The biggest driver of an industry's formation should be attributed to the needs of the market.
In fact, the root of the problem is the reputation and business thinking of the business. When I came across a pit, I basically encountered a bad business. So in the final analysis, it is to get the goods to the reliable sellers. The reliable merchants can at least what the price is,Cheap Nike Shox Free Shipping the price is reasonable, the price is reasonable, there is a good service attitude, and the after-sales service can be done well. In this way, you will be able to get the corresponding shoes according to your personal needs, and you will not feel the expense of buying money, and you can return and exchange without worry. Buying Putian shoes, it is right to find a reliable business.


Why so many people love Cheap nike air max shoes of China Putian?

A friend said that Putian shoes can never compare with authentic! A boss who has been in Putian for more than three years brings you to know what is the real Chinese Putian shoes.
Ninety percent of China’s shoes are likely to come from a mysterious small oriental city, Putian.
When the news broadcast ended,cheap Nike Air Max the merchants in Putian took the dishes and opened the security door.
The street lights just lit up.
At 11 o'clock in the evening, the small town began to smash, trucks, tricycles, and motorcycles packed with various communities, filled with goods, and then drove into the roads that extend in all directions, night and night:
No phone calls, no receipts, and one-handed delivery, this is the most standard way of trading for Putian shoes.
In just one district, the transaction amount of one night can exceed 200 million yuan. These shoes placed in the back seat of the motorcycle will be randomly loaded and shipped to the world.
Where is the world's shoemaking center today? You can think of mainland China, you can think of Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, or some countries in South America.
But thirty or forty years ago, most people in these places may have never heard of Adidas and Nike. You may not know that the center of the global footwear industry was actually the Taiwan region.
To understand how Fujian Putian became a "fake shoe capital", Taiwan is a place that cannot be avoided.
Most of the shoe-making enterprises in Putian follow the export-oriented production and operation mode of exporting overseas, that is, how many orders are given to you by brands such as Nike and Adidas,Wholesale Cheap Jordans you have to process according to the order quantity, even if you have the ability, you can not produce more. Shoes. Therefore, the production of shoes has always been strictly restricted by the brand side, and the shoe factories and workers in Putian can only receive a small processing fee.
In the end, who is buying Putian shoes, is the quality of Putian shoes really good?
Speaking of Putian shoes, I also wear it with a skeptical attitude. Does Putian shoes really have good shoes? The answer is yes, there are many better quality than genuine, and there are many bad quality, so if you want a pair, you must pay attention. The shoes and quality I bought are almost the same as the genuine ones. It is impossible to say that they are exactly the same, but the cost of genuine products is very high. It is also very good to choose a pair of Putian shoes. Everyone likes handsome, beautiful shoes. I hope that I am beautiful, but I feel that it is not worthwhile to buy a pair of big prices, so there is a factory that has been re-enacted.
You like a shoe. The first thing you see is the value of it. The second is the price. The price will make you think about buying or not. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, you can consider re-enacting. What you like is That way, don't pay for it. If you buy it back,Cheap Nike Air Max 270 China you may also be more expensive and worthless.
Finally, the shoes are good, ask others what to do, ask your own feet, comfortable to wear, isn’t that good?
If you have any questions, you can come to me and remember the eight words: the mentality is good, happy.


Nike shoes manufacturing process in China

Nike Air Manufacturing Innovation, a short walk from Nike Oregon Beaverton Nike Global Headquarters, where the air cushion technology was born, developed and perfected, and another with St. Charles, Missouri A factory produced 3.5 billion Nike Air cushions. But most of the shoes are processed and produced in China.

Production process

First process

Making shoe cuts: that is, cutting out the material with a cutter. It is quite dangerous to operate the machine. Wholesale Jordan Shoes It is not uncommon for the worker's fingers to be cut off! (This process will be gradually replaced by laser cutting machines in the future. Generally there are single head, double head, three heads, five heads, CAD drawing is good, then use laser projection to draw lines on the material, upper cutting bed, high temperature laser cutting)

Second process

The next step is to take a piece of piece to the seam, and make it into the upper and the inside

The upper is sewn together here. The factory is currently in the process of making orders under Jordan (China). You can see it from the piece LOGO. The good upper of the car is sent to the inspection area, and the inspector is inspected. The inspector is also responsible for repairing the thread and other work.
Face inspection area) (ie, the sewing machine group, the most abundant and intensive place for the whole pair of shoes, the replacement capacity is zero, only through the continuous improvement of the process, reducing the proportion of artificial needles, for example, using seamless stickers In order to reduce the artificial proportion as much as possible, the quality of the finished product is relatively high,Cheap Nike Air Max China because the requirements of the skilled workers are too high, especially for brands with strict quality requirements, the output will be stuck here because the defective products are hit. Drop and repair.)

The sewn uppers are placed in this vamp warehouse.

Third process

This is the workshop of the bottom plate in the sewing seam. First, the open upper is finished. This is the front road for preparing the next glue.
95% of NIKE shoes produced by NIKE in China are returned to the US market. NIKE's business model in China is based on agency business, and a small number of businesses operate their own stores. Like Doji, Rena, Cross-World, Pioneer, etc. are all NIKE agents.
Since 1999, NIKE has used electronic data interchange methods to contact its suppliers to directly place the style, color and quantity of ready-made garments in EDI mode and shorten the delivery period to 3 to 4 months. At the same time, it also requires the weaving factory that supplies the fabric to report the newly developed swatches to the US head office. After the designer selects the appropriate fabric and designs it into the ready-to-wear style, the order is placed on the garment manufacturer; and the fabric used by the garment manufacturer also Must be produced by a weaving factory approved by NIKE. In this way, the weaving factory must plan new products for NIKE to purchase. However, since the fabric is designated by the buyer,Nike Air Max Outlet China the time for the buyer to order the garment manufacturer is shortened, and the delivery time of the garment manufacturer is shorter and shorter, from the previous 180 days to 90 days.


In 2019, Nike Black Moon Series released Nike's latest anti-counterfeiting technology, you still can't prevent China Putian

This year's black month color will be released in February, the price is basically the same as the regular shoes, there are friends who like to pay attention to it, it is predicted that most of the shoes in this year's black series will not be very difficult to purchase.

The United States has designated February as the "Black History Month", and there are many black athletes in the NBA. All major brands will introduce black moon colors to their shoes. Nike, which is very good at packaging, will certainly not miss this opportunity. We often see the name of a pair of shoes with the suffix "BMH", which is the abbreviation of "Black History Month", which is the black history month. Nike will release a series of "BHM" shoes in February each year, many of which are classic. Today, Nike released this year's black month series.

It is said that Nike will add a QR code to the shoe label from 2019 and each shoe box will have a corresponding QR code and chip as their ID card.

Consumers can check the authenticity of the shoes by these methods.

Then the result...

Did not surprise the netizens

Nike's latest technology

Was broken by China Putian

First move

Direct manufacturing
A fake shoe merchant said that the chip QR code has already been made.
Also got the original shoes to open the mold

Second stroke

Purchase the original QR code
Earlier Nike added Nike RFID anti-drop buckle to the shoes.
Soon it was broken by China Putian

In fact, the whole process of the fake shoe industry chain has been perfected.

It can be seen that fake manufacturers are almost omnipotent, even the anti-theft deduction can quickly "falsify", have to sigh, the sneakers in our trading environment is not easy, it is no wonder that many "sneakers recruits" I have always been very resistant to buying shoes online. It is precisely because of the shackles of the fake manufacturers in Putian that we become suspicious: even the official anti-theft deduction can be faked, then how can other websites and retail anti-theft deductions fully believe? Even the word "anti-theft buckle" has lost its meaning.
In fact, friends who have read our previous articles should have learned that the technical content of Nike RFID anti-theft deduction is not particularly high, and can be seen in many daily life. Therefore, when Nike’s first line of defense fell, it was of course to immediately consolidate the precautions against “falsification”. And this new QR code is more globally implemented. Can it completely block counterfeit manufacturers?
From the “civilian anti-counterfeiting group” built by the Sneakerhead Forum to the growing number of appraisal platforms, and the brand’s lead by example, all this undoubtedly has become more “clean”.jordan shoes outlet china The level and method of identification is constantly improving. It is good for you and me, so we don’t have to immediately decide how this will develop. When the technology is really online, we can come back. Look at its effect, or ridiculously say: How long does it take for Putian fake manufacturers to overcome this difficulty?


The quality of Chinese Putian shoes is good?sure! it is good!

What is the quality of Chinese Putian shoes? Nowadays, the network is pervasive in our lives. As long as there is a bit of turmoil in life, the Internet can be known as a search. For Chinese Putian shoes, many people are familiar with it. What overseas shoes purchase, online shopping shoes, etc. are often from China Putian. I have been in contact with Chinese Putian shoes for six years. The reason for the contact is that the grievances account for the majority, and the curiosity occupies a small part. The grievance was because I just bought a pair of star AF1 with 1099 ocean. After a week, my friend told me that he spent 300 RMB to buy a pair of Chinese Putian shoes with the same style. I didn't believe how it might be. But when the two pairs of shoes are put together, I can't see any difference, and this has caused my curiosity. Why are Chinese Putian shoes so real and so cheap?

At present, there are more than 2,000 shoe-making enterprises in Putian, China, of which more than 250 are enterprises above designated size. The local municipal government has introduced relevant subsidies and incentive policies for the “China Quality” independent brands with excellent online operations and excellent performance.

This is inseparable from the previous years of the big-name OEM Fufeng, Xiefeng, etc.! The technology is still there, so this is why 99% of FAKE Shoes are flowing out of China! So there will be such a strong industrial chain!

What is the quality of Chinese Putian shoes?nike air max 270 How is the feeling when wear on foot, it depends on which grade you choose

1.True standard company level: This needless to say, the material from the channel, as long as the processing is perfect, there is no problem, generally the original version of the mold, the midsole and the injection hole are very very in place! So this is a very strong quality, you can take it to the counter to sell it! This time it is really messy!

2.Ordinary: The lowest level of goods, poor line, poor foot feeling, bloated shoes, all kinds of poor, is the quality of the family workshop mentioned above!

3.Super a: Not all kinds of details, but normal wear for 1 year is no problem. But this is the highest quality of the price ratio! And you carefully compare you will find that the glue overflow is very serious! Because of the low price, it is very popular!

What is the quality of Chinese Putian shoes? The high street sports fashion brand has become a hot trend, abandoning the exquisite style that is not comfortable enough, the comfortable sports style is more and more sought after by the tide people, but to keep the sports shoes steady, you must know the shorts. It's not a simple matter to wear sports shoes. Let's discuss the fashion wear of sports with fashion trendsetters.